Terror on Every Side! The Life of Jeremiah was originally published in five volumes which ended with the survivors in Judah planning to flee the country following the assassination of Gedaliah, Nebuchadnezzar’s appointed governor. Until that point, the story is based on the many details of the time recorded in the books of Kings, Chronicles, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel and
other prophets, as well as some historical information from outside the Bible. At that point, however, most of the Biblical sources fall silent.
This sixth volume (more than 60% longer than earlier volumes) retells events in the life of Jeremiah from that time on, a time and place in history about which the Bible says very little – directly. However, there are still many hidden nuggets of information that help us to imagine what might have
happened to Jeremiah in Egypt as he came to the end of his life as Yahweh’s prophet to the nations.
If you are interested in the Bible and the life of its characters then the audiobook serial "Volume 6 – That Broken Reed" is for you. Volumes 1 to 5 are already available as audiobooks narrated by Chris Morgan. Samples are available on the Bible Tales website.
The process...
God willing, each week for 26 weeks we will distribute to subscribers by email, a link to the recording of one or two chapters of the book. It's helpful, it's thought-provoking, so why not subscribe to our latest serial: Volume 6 – That Broken Reed and enjoy some new Bible-based fiction every week?
Subscriptions are open for only ten more hours. Pay only $8 (AUD).
God willing, the audiobook serial will start in just eleven hours at 9:00am on Tuesday, 18 April 2023 (AEST).