I'm afraid that daylight saving has once again caused trouble in this serial. Please accept my apologies as it meant that the message you received was wrong. The correct details for the last instalment in this audiobook serial are included below...
In Chapter 15 we saw Jeremiah once more as a prisoner. Taken by Ishmael to Gibeon, and then to Bethlehem by Johanan and the other field commanders. But what should the remnant do, and can they find direction from God? Finally in Chapter 16, we return to where Jeremiah's diary started with the accusation by Johanan that God had not spoken through him. Jeremiah's work in Judah is finished, and he briefly reviews his career as a prophet.
Chapter 16, "Another birthday" and a short "Review" are made available through the links below.
Just click on each of the buttons below to download the MP3 file. If your browser displays an audio player instead of downloading the file, you can either listen to it using the player, or right click on the audio player in your browser and select the "Save Audio..." (or similar) option.
With these tracks, the serialisation of Volume 5 – No Remedy is completed.
We hope that you have enjoyed the series Terror on Every Side! The Life of Jeremiah.
Please remember to report any errors or inaccuracies in this chapter or any of the earlier ones so that they can all be fixed before the audiobook is published. Your help in this matter is invaluable.