The audio book of Fiction Favours the Facts, Book 3 will be released in serial form beginning on Monday 30 March, 2020 (God willing). This unabridged recording will help bring many Bible characters to life in your imagination.
At 9am (Australian Eastern Daylight Time (AEDT: GMT+10)) on Monday 30 March 2020, a link to an MP3 recording of the first story “Mother to be” will be sent to subscribers by email. Thereafter, a new story (or part thereof) will be made available at 9am several mornings a week, mostly on Mondays to Thursdays, until the stories are completed.
There is only a short time to sign up – just 6 and a half days – before subscriptions close and the serial begins. Sign up yourself, and why not tell your friends about it too? Act quickly before time runs out.
For subscribers to this newsletter, just reply to one of our emails that advertises this serial and you can subscribe for free. Others will have to pay a very small fee.
If you want to know more about the serial, including the schedule, see the product page on our website. Don't forget, that if you are a subscriber to the newsletter, you don't have to pay anything, just reply to this email asking me to add you to the list and you can subscribe for free.